5 (+1) Unexpected Personal Development Books

The +1 Will Help You Practice Taking Your Time

If you are an avid reader of personal development books, the titles in this list of books might be rather unexpected. 

But a book doesn't have to be labeled as self improvement book in order to deliver the best advice on how to tackle the challenges in your life, right?

As pesonal development is such a wide subject, when selecting the books in this list we focused on a very narrow subject.

TIME. How we use it, abuse it, and what happens when we feel we don't have enough of it, how our reasoning is impacted (hint: Daniel Kahneman says it's negatively impacted beyond your wildest imagination. And he proves it. He must be right. He's not a Nobel Prize for nothing.)

So the books in this list will show you WHY you need to slow down, WHAT you can do about it, and some practical advice on HOW to do it.

And the last one book in our short self development book list, the +1, has been selected for you to practice how it feels when you're taking your time and enjoying the moment.

5 (+1) Books to Help You Grow

Personal development books - Alain de Botton - The Busy Lifestyle

How Proust Can Change Your Life

by Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton combines two unlikely genres--literary biography and self-help manual--in the hilarious and unexpectedly practical How Proust Can Change Your Life.

Personal development books - Yuval Noah Harari - The Busy Lifestyle

A Brief History of Human Kind

by Yuval Noah Harari

From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity’s creation and evolution—a #1 international bestseller—that explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be “human”.

Personal development books - Daniel Kahneman - The Busy Lifestyle

Thinking Fast and Slow

by Daniel Kahneman

The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics takes us on a tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think: System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.

Personal development books - Daniel J Levitin - The Busy Lifestyle

The Organized Mind

by Daniel J. Levitin

The information age is drowning us with an unprecedented deluge of data. At the same time, we’re expected to make more—and faster—decisions about our lives than ever before.

Personal development books - Full Engagement - The Busy Lifestyle

The Power of Full Engagement

by Jim Loehr, Tony Schwartz

We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution.

And the +1

Personal development books - Jonas Jonasson - The Busy Lifestyle

The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed the Window and Disappeared

by Jonas Jonasson

A reluctant centenarian much like Forrest Gump (if Gump were an explosives expert with a fondness for vodka) decides it's not too late to start over . . .

They might not be the best self improvement books ever written (and for the majority of them, that's ok, as it wasn't the initial intention), but they will surely make you stop an think. And if you start questioning your assumptions, it means we reached our objective.

What would you add to the list? What was the one book that left a lasting mark on you, on the way you see the world?



Business Trip - The Busy Lifestyle

10 Things Only Frequent Business Travellers Understand

When Was the Last Time You Googled "Business Trip Packing List"?

Health Nutrition The Busy Lifestyle


Happy, Healthy, Hectic Life

Learn to prioritize - the busy lifestyle


And Finding Alignment


10 Things Only Frequent Business Travellers Understand

When Was the Last Time You Googled "Business Trip Packing List"?

A business trip is a trip undertaken for work or business purposes, as opposed to other types of travel, such as for leisure purposes or regularly commuting between one's home and workplace, says Wikipedia.

When you start travelling for work, the first business trip can be quite intimidating. And so is the seconf, the third, and the next. If you don't travel for business on a regular basis, the whole thing can be a source of stress (what to pack for the business trip, what is best suited to wear for the culture of the country I'm visiting, and the season? between the travel time, the meetings and the jet lag, will I be able to get enough sleep during my business trip? and what about the food? meals on business trip can be sometimes tricky). The business trip can also be something to look forward to (a change of scenery can be invigorating, the chance to meet new colleagues, to discuss interesting issues, etc).

However, those who are frequent business travellers understand this differently. And the 10 things that only they understand were written to elicit a smile from their side and also give them material to show their less frequent business traveller friends and family who still think that the phrase "He is on business trip" (or she is on business trip) sounds glamorous.



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  • 1. You can pack a one week suitcase in 15 minutes max without a business trip packing list.
  • 2. It can happen that you will eat your three main meals of the day in three different countries.
  • 3. You have visited the top 10 tourist destinations for city travel but you only know the airport, the hotel and the office.
  • 4. You sometimes have a panic moment when you wake up in the morning because you can't remember where you are (and that not because of too much to drink at the business meal the night before).
  • 5. For holidays, instead of travelling you are happy to stay home.
  • 6. When you travel for leisure you are at first happy because how light you feel, than you start worrying thinking that you have lost your notebook.
  • 7. Your work week really begins on Sunday afternoon when you start stressing about getting ready for leaving and worrying about making it on time to the airport the next morning (very early usually).
  • 8. You don't know if you should be happy or sad about the fact that you are a VIP member of the major airlines and hotel chains fidelity programs.
  • 9. You plan to catch up on sleep during the weekend but the admin stuff you left at home catches up on you instead.
  • 10. You gave up explaining your family and friends that business travel is not at all that glamorous as they think (it won't change their minds anyway, so why bother).


What Type of Business Traveller Are You?


Follow us for more on how to live well when you live on the fast lane. You'll be joining over 500 busy and successful business leaders and entrepreneurs. No risk to feel alone!


4 Week LIVE BETTER Challenge

Learn to Work Smarter, Go Further and Stress Less

Quick, easy, and effective stress relief techniques taught in a way that keeps you motivated to continue throughout the 4 weeks of the challenge. 10 minutes of your time invested in self-development.
You will learn how to relax your body, focus your mind and optimize your energy so you can accomplish more in less time. And have enough energy to enjoy quality time with those who matter in your life.
4 Week Stress Relief Challenge Cover

Are you a frequent business traveller?

How many of these points made you smile? Or frown?

What would you add to the list? What is the thing that you think only frequent business traveller understand and we missed it from the list above? Let us know in the comments. As former frequent business travellers we are all happy to read a good funny business trip story!


self improvement books - blog - the busy lifestyle


The +1 will help you practice taking your time

Health Nutrition The Busy Lifestyle


Happy, Healthy, Hectic Life

Learn to prioritize - the busy lifestyle


And Finding Alignment




10 years ago, Jack became what we commonly call a business traveler. When he started to travel for work he was excited about the chance he had to visit all these new places and meet all these nice people he was working with. He really enjoyed it. And getting enough good quality sleep was not one of his priorities.

Sometimes he only saw the airport, the office and the hotel but he thought that this is exceptional and if it only happened from time to time he could live with that. He promised himself to keep these exceptions to the minimum and to find time on his busy working schedule to visit the city, find some nice souvenirs for his wife and children (and not rush to buy something at the airport 5 minutes before boarding the plane back home), find some nice restaurants where he could go again next time when he will bring his family over for a weekend family trip.

But business trip after business trip, his enthusiasm withered. And his energy and drive disappeared little by little.

Now he is on auto-pilot. It all starts on Sunday somewhere before lunch. Instead of enjoying the time with his family and friends, he already thinks about having to pack yet again for the early Monday trip, having to wake up early in the morning to catch the earliest flight, remembering to book the taxi to take him to the airport, to set up the alarm, etc, etc, etc.

And when the night comes he is already stressed and tired. He doesn't quite sleep as he is afraid he won't hear the alarm and miss the flight (at this point even bad quality sleep would be better than no sleep). Already sleep deprived, he gets up in the morning, boards the plane, goes straight to the first meeting after landing several time zones away, works through the night (or is it day, still?), because he needs to finish all that he has planned to do during the trip, eating too much and not always healthy food, skipping exercise (who has time for that?).

good quality sleep - the busy lifestyle

At the end of the business trip, he heads back home, more tired and even more sleep deprived, his energy low and looking forward to the week-end with the only idea to catch up on sleep. But his family and friends are looking forward to see him back and spend some quality time together. If only he wasn't so tired and grumpy. He makes an effort, puts on his best smile, skips the sleep part and tries his best to enjoy the time off until the next trip.

This story has no happy ending. In fact, it has no ending at all, because the same scenario repeats with every business trip. The only difference is the level of fatigue going up.

The latest studies on sleep have shown how great a damage lack of sleep causes to our mental, physical and emotional health. Sleep has a positive impact on our well being, but lack of sleep increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer.

But not only the physical health suffers. The mental and emotional health suffers as well. Lack of sleep increases the risk of anxiety, depression and stress. Decision making, memory, reaction time and communication skills are also heavily impacted by the lack of sleep.

If you are frequently on business trips, and your sleep account is getting depleted, I hope that this story and consequences convinced you to find some time and allocate it to this useless (is it really?) activity called sleep.


Learn to prioritize - the busy lifestyle


And Finding Alignment

Health Nutrition The Busy Lifestyle


Happy, Healthy, Hectic Life

managing busy life - the busy lifestyle


Keep an Eye on What Matters

better lifestyle - The Busy Lifestyle


In Search of a Better Quality of Life




How many times have you postponed taking a longer break because you didn't have enough time for it?

And how long a break do you really need in order to feel rested and recharged?

Have you thought about taking shorter breaks more often instead of taking a longer break for the once or twice a year holidays? Would that work for you?

I wanted to try it out for myself and see how it works. From day trips to weekend getaways to extended weekends and even an almost one week short break, I'm planning to try them all and see what is the formula that works.

And maybe you will get some inspiration for your next getaway.

Put on your hiking boots, we're leaving!

Fresh Mountain Air - the busy lifestyle

We're starting off at  1'360m and there will be 191m ascent. It's an easy 5km walk but oh so rewarding. 

Narcissi - The Busy Lifestyle

Can you imagine how it is to see fields of these little flowers? We call it May snow around here. There are so many of them, it looks like snow from afar.

Narcissi fields Switzerland - The Busy Lifestyle

And it gets better.

Narcissi Fields blue sky - The Busy Lifestyle

And to top it all, this was waiting for us at the end of the 2h walk through the most amazing narcissi fields:

Swiss Alps - The Busy Lifestyle

(not the best quality, but you get the idea!)

With all the hints we gave you, can you say where this is?

It's true that when living in Switzerland, this kind of beautiful places are easy to find, but I'm sure everyone has it's own favourite "backyard playground".

Where is yours? Tell us in the comments below!



managing busy life - the busy lifestyle


Keep an Eye on What Matters

Health Nutrition The Busy Lifestyle


Happy, Healthy, Hectic Life

better lifestyle - The Busy Lifestyle


In Search of a Better Quality of Life


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Habits of Successful People



Successful people have their work habits. Working a lot is one of them. Some of us consider that a lot of work has to be hard work. There are others who bet on smart work. They are the ones who know that all work no fun is not a good advice when it comes to sustainable success.

We looked at two type of successful athletes: marathonians and sprinters. The idea was to understand how effort is distributed over time, how they manage their energy and what can we learn from them so we can apply it in our lives and businesses to form successful habits.



marathonian successful people - the busy lifestyle

  • * They generate constant effort for long time
  • * They conserve their energy so it can last longer
  • * Linear spend of physical and mental energy
  • * No time allocated for recovery, recharge and renewal
  • * They look tired, a little sunken and emotionally flat
  • * Only effort and no recovery wears down even the strongest of us




sprinter successful people - the busy lifestyle

  • * Intense effort for a short period
  • * They engage fully for short lapses of time
  • * Cyclic spend of physical and mental energy
  • * Time is scheduled for recovery, recharge and renewal
  • * They look enthusiastic, powerful, beaming with energy
  • * Alternating effort and recovery builds more energy for future challenges




habits successful people - the busy lifestyle




managing busy life - the busy lifestyle


Keep an Eye on What Matters

Health Nutrition The Busy Lifestyle


Happy, Healthy, Hectic Life

better lifestyle - The Busy Lifestyle


In Search of a Better Quality of Life


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Don’t Stop When You’re Tired. Stop When You’re Done

Stress Source #1

If that is your mantra, you shouldn't be surprised you are so stressed.


Work Life Balance - The Busy Lifestyle

To start with, if you stop when you’re tired, you have already stopped waaaay too late.

You might have heard about the Pomodoro technique (for those who never did it’s simple: you work in chunks of 30–45 minutes, focusing your attention on only one thing. When the time is up, you stop, you take a break and you start again for another slot). The Pomodoro technique is considered a productivity tool. I would argue that it is also a wellness tool. Why? Because the scheduled breaks in between the focused deep work slots give space to your brain to relax, recharge and refresh. All while not allowing stress to build up to higher levels.


Take a Break


Scheduling breaks during the day is one of the techniques used by the highly successful entrepreneurs, startup founders and CEOs. It allows them to navigate through the daily stress of running multi million dollar businesses (LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner periodically schedules nothing in his calendar to make time for himself).

You will argue that you are so busy and stressed that you don’t even have time to breathe, let alone taking a break. And you are probably right.




You see, not breathing correctly is not only a sign of stress but it also enhances your negative reaction to stress. It’s a vicious circle. To break it, it would be enough to stop for a couple of minutes and breathe deeply (through your nose into your abdomen, counting to 3 or 5 or how long you can, while you inhale, holding your breath for a couple of seconds, and exhaling while counting to 3 or 5 or how long you can). It’s easy and you will feel so much better afterwards. But will you do it the next time you feel stressed? Or will you go on being stressed just because you cannot stop or because you don’t know what to do to de-stress?


Choose Your Response


Life is fast paced nowadays and there are countless sources of stress around: at work, in traffic, at home. You can be easily overwhelmed. Or you can choose how you react to them: on auto-pilot and accept stress as a given or you can stop before reacting and think what would be the best possible response for your well being.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor E. Frankl




Reacting better to stress is easier when you are not tired; the more exhausted you are the worse your reaction to stress. Another vicious circle. You would need to sleep more and recharge better to feel better. But when? (I hear you asking!) Did you know that Jeff Bezos (Amazon’s founder and CEO) sleeps 8 hours per night (his word!)? If he can, you should be able to do it too (maybe you don’t need 8 hours but for sure 5 are not enough — unless you are one of the few lucky ones who can go forever on 5 or 6 hours of sleep).


Less is More


To make time for sleep you will have to start eliminating what is not necessary (activities, time waster, etc.) You will say that everything you do is necessary. But is it also important? Important for you? Or are you just trying to abide to external, unrealistic, unattainable standards?

Choose what’s most important for you and your family and focus on that instead of striving for ‘perfection’. We should aim for lives that are sustainable and fulfilling.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Faceebook

We all have our own mantra when it comes to work, success, living a good life. But how many times do we stop to ask ourselves if the lifestyle we are building is sustainable in the long run? Are we burning the candle at both ends? Are we fulfilled?


4 Week Stress Relief Challenge Cover

4 Week Stress Relief Challenge


10 Sources of Stress for the Entrepreneur


If you are an entrepreneur, you already know entrepreneurs are stressed too. You might have been experiencing all of them by now (and some more).

This is written as a warning sign for those who dream about becoming an entrepreneur one day.

10 Sources of stress for the entrepreneur. Read this before you jump. Click To Tweet

Some weeks ago, I wrote about the 10 Sources of Stress at WorkIt might be a good idea to compare the sources of stress at work and the sources of stress for an entrepreneur before jumping ship.

Stress as an entrepreneur is different from stress in the office, but it's stress nevertheless. For those dreaming about an idyllic life as a start-up entrepreneur, the reality is a little different.

The purpose of this post is not to dissuade you from becoming an entrepreneur. It's just a warning sign for what lies ahead.

Feel free to write your top 10 sources of stress as an entrepreneur in the comments at the end of the page.


Sources of Stress for the Entrepreneur - The Busy Lifestyle


Now that you know the sources of stress, what do you do? Take a step back and relax? Sure. Does that work? Not really.

How about learning some real stress relief methods? We have 20+ for you to choose.

Get the Book Preview!


Weekend Plans Ready?

10 Things Successful People Do on Weekends


Successful people make weekend plans. And for a good reason.

When are you happiest on Monday: after an active weekend that you have planned ahead or after a weekend you spent just relaxing, with no activity planned?

Successful people plan their weekends Click To Tweet

Successful people stay active on weekends but they make sure the activities they choose are helping them relax, refresh and recharge for the week ahead.

And they plan the weekend, never wing it.

The infographic below shows the top 10 things successful people do on weekends to help them start the next Monday motivated and energized .

Feel free to add in the comments your favorite things to do on weekends that help you relax, refresh and recharge and set you up for a successful next week.

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Things Successful People Do on Weekends - The Busy Lifestyle

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The Busy Lifestyle Blog

Live Better

In Search of a Better Quality of Life


His story is as interesting as his history (a former project manager, COO and CEO, now a part time life coach and part time project manager).

Arnon set out on a journey to search for a better quality of life. He talks about his journey in his blog, and this month he kindly accepted to be our guest coach.

We asked him about his journey, his discoveries, the lessons he learned and his recommendations for the busy people who want to live a better, more fulfilling life.

Read his answers below.

Tell us a bit about yourself and the changes you have gone through recently.

I'm Arnon Yaffe from Tel Aviv, Israel. I am 46, and I have a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management. For 15 years I have been working for an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Systems integrator. I started as a junior consultant and very quickly became a project manager. Through the years I was promoted to senior projects manager, COO and CEO of the firm. Four years ago I left the company to work as an independent project manager and started training as a life coach. Today I work part time as project manager and part time as a coach.

In other words, I leveraged my efficiency in project management to allocate free time for my well being, my family and investing in a second career.

This remarkable transformation was made possible thanks to a coach that I employed when I entered the position of CEO. My intention was to become a better CEO, but as I looked at my life I understood that happiness was elsewhere. Working around the clock, making more profits was not going to make me a happier man. This awakening transformed my life for the better, much better.

What made you want to combine a project management and a coaching career?

When I left my job I did not know what I was going to do. I was at the so called ‘height of my career’, and I came to the realization that I was in the wrong place. In Stephen R. Covey’s words, “I worked harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it’s leaning against the wrong wall.”  I reached this conclusion after a long process of discovery and self awareness. I did not know where I would go or what I would do, but I decided to take the leap and figure it out later. Of course, this was not an easy decision to take.

Becoming a freelance manager happened as a “natural” next step. I had an excellent reputation, so customers approached me as soon as I became available. Working as a part time manager gave me the financial peace of mind and the freedom that I needed.

I was fascinated with the process I have gone through and was intrigued to learn more about well being, coaching and meditation. So I took up coaching courses at the same school my coach came from. Later in the process I understood that I too could help others find their own path in life and that this would give me a better sense of purpose and a more fulfilling life. That’s how I became a coach, and I enjoy the best of both worlds - project management and coaching.

I live a busy lifestyle. I have two young children (8 & 1 years old), I manage two careers and I am independent. In theory my ‘new life’ could have been much more stressful than the ‘previous life’ but in fact it is less stressful because the focus is different. In the past my focus was goal and results oriented. Today my focus is on well being, relationships and taking life at my own pace.

Looking back, with the coaching knowledge you have now, is there something you would have done differently in terms of organizing your work and life, creating more balance, taking more care of your health (both physical, mental and emotional)?

We often look back on our past, the crossroads we passed, the decisions we took and think what could have happened if I acted differently. Coaching and meditation taught me that “could have done” is a thought. It has no existence beyond the thought. There is absolutely no way to determine what would have happened had you chosen differently. It is in fact meaningless, a fantasy, however much you believe it or however reasonable it seems. In reality there is no alternative to what actually happened.

I have learned that thinking “what I could have done differently” is a mental exercise that has no effect on reality except for inflicting further stress. So I try (as much as possible) not to think of the past in that way. Rather, I see the past as a chain of events that led to the present. So whatever mistakes, failures and hardships I have experienced, they were all milestones in the creation of the present, which I am very thankful for. I think that this is a very important lesson in itself.

I always wanted to live a balanced life, but was unsuccessful in finding balance. In hindsight I understand that I was ignorant about the nature of our consciousness so I was looking for balance in the wrong places. To find balance, one should understand why he or she is stressed. You need to look inwards and understand the sources of your stress. Don’t settle for the superficial answers like, “I have too many tasks on my plate” or “I have many responsibilities” or “I have very challenging goals”. Ask yourself why? Why is this so?

If you look deep enough you will usually find some sort of fear. Fear of losing a deal or losing a customer, fear of failure, fear of not meeting expectations, fear of losing recognition, losing your job, your source of income etc.

Finding balance is not about how we organize our calendar or what we do in our time, it’s about building awareness to the fears that control us and gradually reducing their hold on us. Balance will follow, little by little, step by step. It’s a life long journey

What would you recommend to busy executives who are in a situation similar to the one you experienced and want to continue being employees? 

Although I became self-employed, I do not consider it as the essence of my transformation.

One can be self-employed and be a slave of his/her trade. Another can be employed and be free as a bird. It is a matter of state of mind, not circumstantial.

My personal journey took me through becoming self-employed, it was important for me to know that I am able to ‘make it on my own’, to know that I have the capacity to be independent. For others this may not be important at all. Everyone has their individual journey in life. Maybe I will become an employee some time in my future. Some challenges are only achievable with large organizations.

My recommendation for executives in similar situations is not to hurry and jump to conclusions. Do not rush to make changes. Pause, take your time, find a coach or a therapist that will help you look inwards and find why you are not satisfied with your current state. You may find out that you are able to find happiness and balance within your current circumstances.

As a busy person splitting your time between family and two different careers, what do you do to stay organized, to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and to have enough energy left to enjoy life? What advice can you give to those in a similar situation?

Often, when we are caught up in the race we forget what is really important. I suggest to see this lecture on TED presenting a Harvard research on “what makes a good life?”. It’s an excellent lecture to get you thinking.

In spite of self-awareness and well-being life can still be overwhelming and tiring at times. Don’t expect perfection, learn to accept the imperfections and hardships that come from time to time. In hindsight you may look upon them as important lessons and turn-points of your life.

Arnon shares his journey on his blog: No Ferrari to Sell, No Monk to Become

Stress at Work – Where It Hides

10 Sources of Stress at Work


Ever wondered why, after a day at work, you go back home stressed, tensed and with your energy completely drained?

10 Sources of stress at work. How many affect you daily? Click To Tweet

The sources of stress at work are numerous, from the small constant interruptions to more important like a low team morale or a negative work environment.

The infographic below shows the top 10 sources of stress at work as we have identified them.

Feel free to write your top 10 sources of stress at work in the comments at the end of the page.


Sources of Stress At WORK - The Busy Lifestyle


Now that you know the sources of stress, what do you do? Take a step back and relax? Sure. Does that work? Not really.

How about learning some real stress relief methods? We have 20+ for you to choose.

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