Strategy Quotes

20 inspiring strategy quotes in a ready to tweet list.

We created it with quotes on strategy, strategy execution, strategic thinking, and strategic leadership.

What better way to develop your strategic thinking than benefiting from the wisdom of the best, distilled in the form of brilliant quotes on strategy and strategy execution (with a hint of humor)?

Michael Porter, Peter Drucker, Jack Welch, and Sun Tzu are some of the famous strategist sharing their wisdom through these strategy quotes.


Peter Drucker, Management consultant, Educator, and Author

Peter Drucker’s quotes on strategy are very popular. We have searched for some that are not so famous, but not less true.


[bctt tweet=”Without a compass bearing, a ship would neither find its port nor be able to estimate the time required to get there. – Peter Drucker #Quotes #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


[bctt tweet=”Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter Drucker #Quotes #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]




Constantinos Markides, Professor of Strategic Leadership at London Business School

[bctt tweet=”Designing a winning strategy is the art of asking questions, experimenting and then constantly renewing the thinking process by questioning the answers. – Constantinos Markides #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


[bctt tweet=”No matter how good today’s strategy is, you must always keep reinventing it. – Constantinos Markides #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


business strategy quotes


Jack Welch, Chairman, and CEO of GE

Jack Welch’s quotes are also very popular. It is quite difficult to find a less known quote. We have searched hard and we think we have found some good ones.


[bctt tweet=”Strategy is simply resource allocation. – Jack Welch #Quotes #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


[bctt tweet=”Strategy means making clear-cut choices about how to compete. – Jack Welch #Quotes #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


[bctt tweet=”Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. – Jack Welch #Quotes #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]




A.G. Lafley, President, CEO, and Executive Chairman of P&G

[bctt tweet=”Let’s execute along this strategy, but know that we’ll probably get some of this wrong, so be open to changing it.- A.G. Lafley #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Stephen Case, Chairman & CEO of America Online

[bctt tweet=”In the end, a vision without the ability to execute it is probably a hallucination. – Stephen Case #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Herm Edwards, American Football Coach

[bctt tweet=”Stay focused. Your start does not determine how you’re going to finish. – Herm Edwards #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Michael Porter, Harvard Business School Professor

[bctt tweet=”The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. – Michael Porter #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Peter Drucker Quotes Strategy


Anonymous, Wise Person

[bctt tweet=”Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. – Anonymous” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


John Kotter, Harvard Business School professor and author

[bctt tweet=”A leader needs enough understanding to fashion an intelligent strategy. – J. Kotter” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Sir Brian Pitman, former CEO of Lloyd’s TSB and author

[bctt tweet=”There is always a better strategy than the one you have, you just haven’t thought of it yet. – Sir Brian Pitman #innovation #success” username=”busy_lifesytle”]



[bctt tweet=”What’s the use of running if you’re running in the wrong direction? – Anonymous #strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]



Michael Porter, Harvard Business School Professor

[bctt tweet=”Sound strategy starts with having the right goal. – Michael Porter #strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965), British politician

[bctt tweet=” However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. – W. Churchill” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Naveen Jain, CEO of Infospace

[bctt tweet=”Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation, but from flawless execution. – N. Jain #strategy #businessTransformation” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC) Chinese military strategist

[bctt tweet=”Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances. – Sun Tzu #Strategy” username=”busy_lifesytle”]

[bctt tweet=”All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved. – Sun Tzu” username=”busy_lifesytle”]


Gen. George S. Patton

[bctt tweet=”Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy. – Gen. Patton” username=”busy_lifesytle”]



You may want to read:

Peter Drucker – The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done

Michael Porter – On Competition

John Kotter – Leading Change